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A long term fosters story


Tommy is one of BCR's long term fosters. That means he will remain under the care of the charity until the end of his days. He is loved and looked after by a member of our amazing foster team.

Tommys story

I'm a gorgeous fluffy 19 year old gent that has moved into my retirement home, to see out my days in comfort.

The unruly mob of 3 young chihuahuas and I get on well and they've taught me loads of new tricks - I've learned to ask out for the toilet, exactly what the clatter of food bowls means, lining up on the bed at night earns a treat, "it's lights out time" means a final tour around the garden then bed for the night. What was that about old dogs and new tricks?

I have a grade 4 heart murmur, kidney disease and terrible teeth - it's really funny watching everyone wince when I move in for kisses. I adore kisses. I love to cuddle on my terms but am not so keen on being cuddled uninvited.

My days are spent pottering around the house and garden, gentle ambles around the block as I'm very good on my lead - no mud please, laying in the entrance porch on my blanket and watching the world go by. The sun in the conservatory is perfect for easing the bones. I wonder if my human carers know how lucky they are to be graced with my company?