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An adopters story


We met Elvis (now Ellis) on 28/06/2024 and it was love at first sight.

We travelled all the way across the country to Hull to collect Ellis and his brother. They were both coming to us to foster and Ellis spent the whole journey sat on my lap shaking and looking incredibly scared. It took him some time to settle but once we got back he just made himself at home.

He was what we now call a foster success. After 10 days of fostering he felt part of the family and we decided he belonged with us. His sweet nature and cheeky demeanour really worked for him. We could no longer let him go. He has so much love to give and fits right in with our lifestyle.

Ellis now has a sister called Lola. She is taking her time to get used to him and to sharing her toys. He has been the most patient boy and is allowing her space and time to adjust.

Adopting him has been the best experience and we recommend anyone to open their homes to adopt a dog in need. Life for us has become so much fuller.