Hugo and Jagger








Hi, I'm Jagger,

We're in foster in the south west of Wales.

I've just turned 12. I am the most confident of our pair and will always be happy to meet you with a joyous wag of my tail.

Hi, I'm Hugo,

I'm 11 years old. Its not that I'm unhappy to see you, but it takes me a little more of my time to trust you. When I do get to know you though, we will be the best of friends and I will love you very much.

I like to watch animal programmes on the TV and tell the four legged animals off....I'm not so bothered about the two legged types.

We both love being with you and are more than happy to share a lap.

We also both love food and treats. Yes please.

We would like a home together as we have been with each other a long time and know exactly what the other is thinking.

Looking forward to meeting you and woofing further.

Lots of love
Hugo and Jag.